Forensic Medicine & Toxicology


Publications by Dr.Ragini Raut.
SR.No. Name of Journal Type of Journal Name of Article ISSN no Issue No
1 International journal of research and analytical reviews International A case report of Migraine 2349-5138 Volume 9, Issue 1, Feb 2022
2 International journal of research and analytical reviews International clinical evaluation of Sulphur and Psorinum in recurrent URTI 2349-5138 Vol.5/ Issue 3/ July to Sept. 2018
3 Review of Research International impact of recurrent URTI can’t be trivialized 2249-894x Vol.7/ Issue-12/sept.-2018
Publications by Dr Neeta Chavan
SR.No. Name of Journal Type of Journal Name of Article ISSN no Issue No
1 Homoeopathy The Friend of Health National Emphasizing the role of Homoeopathic Medicines in Upper Respiratory Tract Infections due to Climate Change. ISSN 2347- 985 X Vol 5 Issue 6 June 17
2 Homeopathic Miracle National Evaluation of the efficacy of Chininum Arsenicosum in Acute Thrombocytopenia RNIMPENG 2011-39122 Vol 3 Issue 6 July-Aug-Sept 2017
3 Journal of Developing Drugs International (Research Article) Coin image of Action of Atropa Belladonna In Crude and in Homoeopathic Potentised form ISSN: 2329-6631 Vol 6 Issue 2 1000175 August 22, 2017
4 Review of research, Anveshanam, New Era of Healthcare Management International Effect Of Fuel We Provide To Ourselves… To A Human Being/ Body. ISSN No: 2249-894X, IF – 5.2331 Vol 7 Issue 5 February 2018
5 The Online Journal of Distance Education and e-Learning, International Consumers preference towards organic food products: a study in pune city with reference to jaggery ISSN 2147 - 6454 Vol 11, Issue 1, Chapt 2, January2023