Eye Camps

Suhrud Mandal School Camp

Date : 25th October, 2023

Place : Badhir Mook Shikshan Kendra, Suhrud Mandal School, Bhandarkar road, Pune

An eye camp organised by the Rotaract Club and Dr. Gogate's eye clinic, was held at the school for the hearing impaired students, named Badhir Mook Shikshan Kendra, Suhrud Mandal School, Bhandarkar road,Pune on 25th October 2023.

Two students from M.Optometry, BV(DU) School of Optometry, Pune participated in the camp. Total number of students screened was 80. Glasses were advised to 2 students. No. of students referred to the clinic for the further evaluation were 11. Staff members were also screened
