Department of Microbiology

HOD’s Message



Head of The Department

It gives me immense pleasure to lead the Department of Microbiology Studies and Research. The department has recorded consistent improvement in its academic and research performance. We in the department of Microbiology embrace microbes in all shier glory. We have contributed substantially in studying microbial diversity and how it shapes the world around us. Since the inception of department it has contributed significantly towards the development of Microbiology, particularly in research and teaching. The students are encouraged to get hands-on experience and content development through internship projects at internationally recognized institutes. We are encouraged to see many industries, develop real time understanding of the subject and is mediated through frequent interactions and MOU. The academic culture of the department strengthen through the interactions with alumni placed globally, reinforces our belief in the effectiveness of our curricula and its suitability to meet the dynamic world. With this brief introduction we welcome you to be a part and accelerate our journey towards better tomorrow!