Department of Zoology


  • Excellent collection of zoological specimens.The museum represents the entire animal kingdom ranging from small inverteb rates to verteb rates.
  • Dissection Lab Software which has various modules on dissection of animals included in syllabus.
  • Zoological excursions too bserve & study marineandf orest faunaandvisitto sericulturecenter.
  • Well-equippedlaboratoriesanddepartmentallibraryforreadyreference.
  • Joborientedpractical’slikevermicultureandsericulturearetaughttothestudents.
  • Department conducts some physiological(hematological)practical ’ swhichare helpful to students for pathology course.
  • Completed UGCsponsoredMajorResearchProjectentitled‘EffectofBacosideAon various organs of mouse during aging ’.
  • Research Centre.
  • Three students pursuing Ph.D.