
Current Trends in Biodiversity Conservation and Climate Change

UGC Sponsored Two Days National Seminar on‘Current Trends in Biodiversity Conservation and Climate Change’ - 24th and 25th February 2016.

Biodiversity represents diversity in all life forms. The richness of biodiversity depends on the climatic conditions and topography of the region. Climate change is already having an impact on biodiversity and is projected to become a progressively more significant threat in the coming decades. Climate change is already forcing biodiversity to adapt either through shifting habitat, changing life cycles or the development of new physical traits. Climate change constitutes an additional pressure on ecosystems, the biodiversity within them and services they provide. To prevent biodiversity loss, we have to protect and conserve it. Biodiversity conservation provides substantial benefits to meet immediate human needs. There is an urgent need of conservation of the biodiversity through new techniques. Biotechnology offers new means of conserving biodiversity. With these views Department of Zoology organized UGC sponsoredtwo days national seminar on ‘Current Trends in Biodiversity Conservation and Climate Change’ (CTBCCC -2016) on 24th and 25th February 2016.
The seminar was inaugurated by the auspicious hands of Hon. Prof. Manikrao M. Salunkhe, Vice Chancellor, Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University, Nasik, Maharashtra as chief guest and we had prime privilege to have Hon. Prof. Shivajirao Kadam, Vice Chancellor, Bharati Vidyapeeth University, Pune, Maharashtra as chairperson for this auspicious function. At the outset our worthy Principal Dr. K. D. Jadhav delivered his welcome & introduction address and presented achievements of the college. He felicitated the guests and blessed the occasion. Dr. Mrs. Sushma  S. Pawar,  organizing secretary, presented theme of the seminar and introduced the chief guest to the audience.
The key note address on “Linkages between Biodiversity, Climate Change and Chemistry” was delivered by chief guest, Hon. Prof. Manikrao M. Salunkhe, Vice Chancellor, Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University, Nasik, Maharashtra. He focused on the present scenario of climate change. Exploitation of nature is a serious crime. We have to accept the challenges of climate change and prevent pollution to control damage for the protection of biodiversity. 
Dr. Mahesh Shindikar, Member of MCZMA, Govt. of Maharashtra and faculty of Dept. of Applied Sciences, College of Engineering, Pune, delivered a lucid talk on Conservation of Biodiversity for Sustainable Development of Coastal Areas.He focused on threats and conservation issues in Mangrooves. ‘Threat to Biodiversity is posing challenges to entire life and to us day by day due to enormous climate changes’ – he commented. He discussed about awareness of in situ and ex situ cultivation & recommendations for all coastal areas as accepted by government, courts, public etc. It needs utmost care.
Dr. V. B. Giri from National Center for Biological Sciences, Bangalore, in his plenary lecture elaborated on Past, Present and Future Status of Amphibians and Reptiles of India in View of Climate Change. He briefly discussed about Herpetology and suggested that, Herpetofauna diversity is undergoing progressive change leading to promising future. It is best model for studies of their assessment.We have to accept challenges of climate change to understand biodiversity in its scenario to make them or transform them into opportunities.
Prof. Dr. Jagbir Singh Kirti, Head Department of Zoology, Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab, very interestingly carried his session on Vector Biology and Taxonomy of Entomology. He focused on the diversity of insects and told that, Insect is the best model to do good research. He also relates the Global warming and Climate change which caused impact on insect diversity with special emphasis on insect pests & vectors.
Dr. B. B. Nath, Former Head, Dept. of Zoology, SPPU, Pune, presented elaborative speech on Interdisciplinary Trends in Global Biodiversity Research. He also added a note on Glimpses of biodiversity, descriptive, analytical, empirical & experimental studies led to understand recent trends in biodiversity research through qualitative & quantitative indices in the climate before 20 years and after 20 years including interdisciplinary approach.
Dr. D. B. Bastawade, Former Senior Scientist, ZSI, Pune, delivered a talk on Current Trends in Biodiversity Conservation and Climate Change in Relation to Arachnid. He gave inspiring information about varied types of Scorpions with attractive power point presentation of delighting photographs of beautiful scorpions collected by him during survey/ field work.
Dr. S. S. Kharat, Principal, Modern College of Arts, Commerce and Science, Ganesh Khind, Pune, presented an over view of Conservation of Habitat and Breeding Grounds of Freshwater Fishes from North Western Ghats. He explained that, there is tremendous need of Taxonomists to see ecological parameters, habitats, behavior & life cycles of animals and fishes to understand diversity of fresh water fishes. He suggested from his presentation that, ‘We have to explore fish diversity fully to understand it’s richness and conserve healthof waterbodies to study treasure of fishes. Protect habitats to conserve biodiversity of fishes disappearing from many rivers’.
Overall lead lectures of both days of seminar by resource persons were very innovative, informative and inspired the participants and researchers. Oral and Poster Presentation Sessions were conducted during the national seminar. There is an overwhelming response of the participants from different regions which was involved for the success of this session. Total 233 participants participated in this national seminar. The participation of students and researchers from various disciplines like Biotechnology, Agriculture, Ayurved, Pharmacy, Zoology, Botany and Microbiology was remarkable.
Valedictory function was graced by Principal Dr. K. D. Jadhav. The participants had expressed their excellent remarks and deep feelings about overall performance of organization and scientific deliberations of the seminar. Dr. Mrs. S.S. Pawar, organizing secretary, proposed a vote of thanks. The seminar came to an end with the distribution of certificates to all the participants and a lovely farewell.


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