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The department of Computer Science of Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University, Yashwantrao Mohite College had organized UGC Sponsored two days National Conference on “Advances in Computer Science and Information Technology” on
27th and 28th September 2013as a partof Golden Jubilee celebrations of Bharati Vidyapeeth, the parent Institute of Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University.

Dr. Basant Rajan, CEO, CORIOLIS Technologies, Pune graced the inaugural function as the chief guest..The other dignitaries son while Dr .K. Seetharaman  , Associate Professor and Head, Department of computer science and Engineering,  Animalia University , Chidambaram was the guest of honor, Dr. M.S. Prasad, Director, ICT, BVU, Pune, . The chairperson of the function was Principal K.D.Jadhav. He gave insight of the achievements and activities of the col- legend appreciated the efforts taken by the Dept in organizing National Seminars and Conferences consistently for the pasting secretary of the national conference
introduced the chief guest Dr. Basant
Rajanand Dr. K. Seetharaman.

On this occasion, conference proceedings with ISBN number which includes research papers related to the conference them and manual on MATLAB workshop were published at the auspicious hands of Dr. Basant Rajan. Mrs. J.S. Ghadge anchored the inaugural function and also proposed the vote of thanks. The conference wastage and success as total 168 participants had enrolled for this event.
Students of the college along with Mr. Atreand Mr. Belwale presented the Bharati Vidyapeeth songat the beginning of the inaugural function. The convener of the conference and Head of the Computer Science department, Mrs. Supriya Shukla delivered welcome speech where she mentioned the glimpses of the fifty glorious years of Bharati Vidyapeeth and highlighted achievements of Bharati Vidyapeeth University and Yashwantrao Mohite College. She also presented the theme of conference.
Dr. Basant Rajang Ph.D. holder from the prestigious TIFR and has a number of patents registered to his credit In his inaugural speech he emphasized on the need to bridge the gap between the or y and hands on training as many IT companies spend lot of money and time to train the degree holders before they actually start working in technical environment He urged that colleges should develop Memorandum of Understanding with IT companies who in turn will train students on the company specificplatform.This processwillnotonly bebeneficialforthesoftwarecompaniesas they will get trained human resource and theplacementsfor thecollegeswouldalso improve.Dr. Rajanalsostresseduponthe needfore-learning andmentionedinhis presentationhowto makee-learningmore effective. Theaudienceappreciatedhis interactivesession.
The first session of the conference was conducted by Dr.K.Seetharaman and he delivered lecture on   ‘ Research methodology applied to Image Retrieval ’. Dr.K. Seetharaman, senior researcher had accomplished renowned position as a member of several advisory research boards. He is also are viewer for research papers for IEEE journal son image processing. He said that Image Retrieval(IR) is one of the most exciting and fastest- growing research are as in the field of mul- timediatechnology. Largeanddistributed collectionsofscientific,artistic, andcom- mercialdatacomprisingimages,text,audio and video abound in our information-based society.