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Report of one day seminar Tech-Vision 2009

Report of one day seminar Tech-Vision 2009


I would like to give you the brief review of the seminar. Department of Computer Science organized one day seminar “Tech-Vision 09” on 24th January 2009.The seminar was inaugurated at the auspicious hands of Mr.Avinash Sinha, Vice President ,Syntel Technology ,Pune .Objective of seminar and activities of the departmenet was given by Mrs.Shukla. Mrs.S.R.Jagtap introduced high profile chief guest Mr.Sinha. Chairperson Principal K.D.Jadhav  extended a warm welcome and briefed the students and delegates about the achievements of BharatiVidyapeethUniversity. Mr.Sinha in his speech appreciated the activities of the college During his speech he stressed on the current scenario of the IT field. He asked them to become competent enough to survive in this industry.Also asked them to do other courses supporting their domain which could earn them good job opportunities. Mrs.P.R.Patil extended vote of thanks at the end of the inaugural function.
Session I
The first session was conducted by Mr.Nilesh Dalvi from Mansoft Technology,who is working as a senior developer.He elaborated on Vision,Collaboration and Extended ERPS.
The inventions in major industries involved in manufacturing industry, pharmaceutical have changed the way of human lives so the concept of  enterprise resource planning came into existence. He explained an example of manufacturing industry. How it will tackle the various aspects of manufacturing industry using ERP solutions. Also explained how Enterprise of manufacturing industry is broadly classified into Business organization, Finance, Corporate Services, Production, Sales & Distribution, Basic Units, Material Management.
Business processes in manufacturing organization focuses on customers. Function of this organization involves designing, marketing, selling, supply chain Planning, manufacturing procurement, logistics & Distribution. Basic concepts in SAP.To construct a final product a specific proper sequence has to be followed is called as routing.
In this MRP- i.e. (Material Requirement Planning) means constructing a product with right material at right time and right quantity.Scheduling involves pre-assembly checking, Delivery. ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) is an extended area of MRP.
Session II
The second session was conducted by Mr.Neelkandan Subramanyam on the role of IT in banking from Senior Banking Faculty,NIIT Pune . “The past can’t see you but the future is listening this “ was the theme he started with. Technology in Banks involves Networked Branches which means all branches of a bank are connected. Core Banking solution is simple banking which means saving your money and taking loans. Various touch points in banking are ATM, Point of Sales Terminal (POS). ATM makes customer money withdrawal more easy. POS helps to make customer aware of new things offered in banks. Internet banking and Mobile banking also makes banking for customers easy.
Data center involves concepts such as Data warehousing, Virus protection, consolidated financial position of the bank and fortify against attacks. Disaster recovery in banking is achieved through back-ups (which means the customer data is stored safely on more than one location, so that if there is loss of data in one place the recovery of it is possible.)
He also stressed on Cyber Security. At the end he made them aware of the Career opportunities in Banks such as –

  • Banks have General Manager (GM) for I.T.
  • I.T.Training centres.
  • Procurement team.
  • Maintenance & support.
  • Hardware & software networking.

Session III
During the third session Mr.Atul Kahate from iflex solutions, Pune on cryptography and network security.“Three  people can keep a secrete…if two of them are dead” was truly said by  Benjamin Franklin.Security is not easy to achieve because of human technology, problem of storage and communication & no trust in all the parties.He stressed on security involvements such as:

  • Authentication.
  • Integrity.
  • Confidentiality.
  • Non-repudiation.

He explained the basics of  Cryptography which involves:Plan text and Cipher text.
Using different techniques of cryptography the text is first made unreadable and then it is transfered to the other end where the receiver again convert is to the human recordable form. He explained on Cryptography Mechanism such as substitution techniques, transposition.combinational. Encryption term means converting the text to unreadable form.Decryption term means converting the unreadable text to original form.Encryption & decryption can be achieved through Algorithm and key aspects. Also gave the idea of Digital certificate signature which can be  used for safe message transmission.
At the end of the seminar valedictory function was conducted during which Mr.Kahate gave the certificates to the ten delegates and seventy students who had registered for the seminar.

Principal K.D.Jadhav preceding over the Seminar