Activities / Workshops / Seminars / Webinars

Scilab and Cloud Computing

One day National Workshop on ‘Scilab and Cloud Computing’

The department of Computer science of Bharati Vidyapeeth University, Yashwantrao Mohite College had organised one day  National Workshop on Cloud Computing on 18th Feb  2015. Prof.  Mr. Sunil Bakshi, senior member of computer society of India,  Pune chapter, Member of ISACA , Member of  Association of  Technical Scholarships (AOTS),Japan had graced  the inaugural function as chief guest while Mr. Sunil Deo,  Co-founder and Chief Technical Officer, eksource Iinfotech  Pvt. Ltd.  was guest of Honour. Principal Dr. K.D Jadhav introduced parent institute Bharati Vidyapeeth , Bhatati Vidyapeeth University and also gave insight of achievements and activities of the college. He appreciated the efforts taken by department for organizing national level workshops, seminars and conferences in continuation for the past 8 years .Mrs. Supriya Shukla,Head , Department of computer Science and Convener of workshop presented a brief report of the activities of the department and the motive of the workshop. Organizing  secretary Mrs. Yogita Bhapkar introduced the guests. The total participants registered for the workshop were 44.

Chief guest Prof. Sunil Bakshi stated that Cloud computing is not restricted to only limited applications. But   now a days every organization prefers network access towards shared pool of configurable computing resources. Also he shared his experiences about security layers of National Stock   Exchange,Banking and others. He also stressed the need for alertness while using internet and banking transactions. Mr. Sunil Deo in his speech emphasized on cloud computing as a technology of today and tomorrow which is now capturing many domains. He gave us presentation on evolution of cloud computing and also stressed that it is touching to every aspect of modern lifestyle.
            As an expert he explained that how computing resources can be rapidly provisioned and released with proper management, service provider interaction and security. He shared his working experiences in other countries like UK,USA and Gulf. Since the demand for cloud computing experts is going rapidly and companies are looking for professionals;he also guided students and delegates on various certifications available which would boost their carrier.  On this occasion, Manual for cloud computing was released which included right from introduction to cloud computing to developing applications. The manual has proved to be very useful and effective for learners .Mr. Ganesh Kadam,Capex Solution,Pune ,an expert in Cloud Computing conducted the workshop.
It was hands on experience with .The participants got immense satisfaction of learning cloud computing through this innovative workshop.
The Workshop concluded by validictory function. Mr Ganesh Kadam distributed certificates tothe participants.

Workshop Scilab students