Activities / Workshops / Seminars / Webinars

Tech-Vision 2007

Tech-Vision 2007

The Department of Computer Science of Yashwantrao Mohite College organized one day IT Seminar” Tech-Vision 2007”on Saturday, 22 December 2007.
The inaugural function started with the introduction given by the coordinator Mrs.Supriya.S.Shukla. In her introductory speech she elaborated the purpose of arranging this Seminar. The main objective of the seminar was to expose students and teachers to the recent trends and emerging technologies in the IT field. She further added that the information technology is revolutionizing the way in which we live and work. Computers and communication have become integral part of teaching and learning process. She also gave a brief account of the activities of the department and introduced the chief guest and guest of honour.
The inaugural function was held at the auspicious hands of the chief guest Mr. Srikanth Sundararajan Chief Operating Officer of Persistent Systems Ltd,Pune and guest of honour Mr. Gajanan Phadke, Consultant from Tata Consultancy services and Principal K.D.Jadhav Presided over the function. He delivered the welcome address and narrated the activities of the college and Bharati Vidyapeeth. He also guided students on this occasion.
Mr.Sundararajan started his speech by giving introduction to embedded processing and focused on upcoming technologies like management and virtualization 2.O.He described mashup and composite applications for eg Browser pages and explained real world web. He also focused on various IT services and mentioned the need for skilled IT people for providing better products. Mr.Sundararajan also stressed on the need for “Green IT” the upcoming theme in the IT industry.Mr. Gajanan Phadke elaborated on how todays education is becoming more industry focused. He put forth the efforts taken by various IT companies to bridge the gap between class-room training and industry standards.
The inaugural function concluded with the vote of thanks by Ms. S.N. Ghogare.
Session — I Topic Software Testing
Speaker - Mr. Ajay Uke ,Symantec Pune
The first session was conducted by Mr.Ajay Uke from Symantec on software testing. In the session initially he introduced SDLC waterfall model and different stages like project planning, requirement definition, design, development, testing and maintenance involved in SDLC model. Also he explained the different types of integration, acceptance software testing.

He focused on why buys in software arises .14% buys in coding, 28% buys in design, 54% in specification and 4% buys in other part can occur .He explained different testing techniques like black box testing, white box testing, statement coverage. Various software testing components like configuration testing, compability testing, foreign language testing, usability testing, testing the documentation etc.He then explained
— different tools and techniques like automated tools, win runner and upcoming AJAX Technologies. He also gave brief description about programming language used for software testing, Perl, python, c, C++, Java, Jscript, C#, VBScript.
At last he emphasized on pre-requisites and guidelines for choosing software testing field as a career.
Session-Il Topic SDK Programming
Speaker- Ms. Bharti Mehta , Tech Mahindra ,Pune.
Second session started by Ms.Bharti Mehta’s lecture on SDK programming. She started by refreshing the preliminary concepts about Object Oriented Programming and APIS. she explained importance of Win32 API dynamic linking. In dynamic linking she gave detail information of Kernel, User, CDI and DLLS.
Later on she focused on difference between SDK and MFC i.e. SDK is windows programming using ‘c’ language while MFC is windows programming using ‘C++’ language also SDK and MFC are developing environments and are not programming language. She explained how MFC provides logical framework for building windows application and how encapsulates the API function into classes.
The session concluded with the discussion on object oriented approach to Windows Programming.
Session — III Topic Advance Java
Speaker — Mr. Avinash Singh ,karROX.
Last session was conducted by Mr. Avinash Singh from KarROX. He explained the main characteristics of Object Oriented Programming like inheritance, polymorphism, and generalization.
He emphasized on J2EE technologies and key components. Component technologies evolved JSP(Java Server pages), servlet, EJB (Enterprise Java beans). Server technology contains JDBC, JNDI, JMS, JAAS. While HTTP, TCP/IP, RMI comes under communication technologies. Also he directed on emerging technologies and framework like hybernate i.e. nothing but object relational mapping 2, structs which is for high speed applications, Spring is the upcoming technology which provides transaction management and security management for web applications. At last he guided student on Sun certification Java programming (SCJP).
Each session was well supported by interactive session in which students and lecturers participated. Seminar was attended by the lecturers gathered from various colleges from Pune and 50 students from YashwantraoMohiteCollege. Mrs.P.R.Patil reviewed the activities completed during the seminar. The participants expressed their satisfaction by commenting that the above seminar attended was the most interesting and fruifful seminars which they have attended so far. The participants received the certificates of participation in the valedictory function chaired by Vice Principal of the college Dr. H.P.Deshmukh. All computer science , science faculty members and r Computer Science students of the college were actively involved in organizing the seminar.