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The department of Computer Science of Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University, Yashwantrao Mohite College had organized  UGC Sponsored National Conference on ‘Computing Communication and information Technology’ on 5th  and  6th Feb 2013 as a part of Golden Jubilee celebrations of Bharati Vidyapeeth ,the parent Institute of Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University.
Dr. Smita Sardesai, Deputy General Director, National Informatics Centre and Scientist 'G', Pune had graced the occasion as chief guest while Dr. Arun K. Pujari Former Vice – Chancellor of Sambalpur University and presently working as Professor in University of Hyderabad,Hyderabad was  guest of honour. Prin. K. D. Jadhav introduced the Parent Institute Bharati Vidyapeeth, BVDU and also gave insight of the achievements and activities of the college. He appreciated the efforts taken by the Dept by organising National Seminars and Conferences consistently for the past seven years.
  Head of the Department  and Convener of the conference  Mrs. Supriya Shukla presented a brief report about the activities of the department since its establishment in 1997 and the theme of the Conference. The Organising Secretary  Mrs. Jayshri Ghadge introduced the guests while  Mrs. Pratibha Patil anchored the Program.The total 196 participants registered  for the conference. Mrs. Yogita Bhapkar proposed vote of thanks.
Chief guest Dr. Smita Sardesai in her inaugural address said that  information technology (IT) has influenced every aspect of our lives and cultures. Without IT-based applications, it would be difficult to keep information stored securely, process information efficiently and communicate conveniently. IT will not only continue playing a key role in the convergence of computing, communications and all other aspects of computational science and applications but will also influence the future's roadmap in many significant areas. She also emphasized that information technology is the key ingredient of today's business and it has its own value and worth. She also discussed about the ICT enabled projects of Government of India and how they are helping in various sectors like agriculture, education, e-governance etc. She also explained how  computing and communication is going to make drastic changes in present scenario which has reached at the rural society. Take an example of any small process even of attaching files to e-mail. The Facebook, e-mail, and other such things are of great importance for the citizens of the present world. It has become a body habit to live and lead the life. She emphasized the process of the technology development. She also explained about the National Knowledge Network; project of Hon’blePrime Minister’s office to offer the highest speed networking across the Country.
Dr. Arun K. Pujari’s engaged the first session of the conference .He delivered his lecture on ‘consensus clustering’. He explained the need of using different clustering techniques together on different data sets.In this session he also mentioned the need for a ‘goodness measure’ required to find which algorithm suits the clustering method . He explained the topic by giving live example of  people sitting in the seminar hall and  dividing them into three groups explained how clustering can be done and  what would be the issues to deal with . Dr. Pujari discussed various algorithms and their variations.
The second session was conducted by  Dr. Haridas Acharya,Director MCA from Allana Institute of Management, Pune. His topic was ‘ICT enabled teaching Analytics’ Dr. Acharya  beautifully embedded real life examples into data  mining problems. His main approach was  the myths of ICT enabled teaching.Dr. Acharya Explained the need of giving teachers maximum power and authority so that teaching will be ‘teach students to learn the concept’ .
Mr.Sameer joshi ,Networking trainer and consultant engaged the third session on SAP.He started from the basics of networking  and explained the role of SAP in industry. He also briefed the audience about the different certifications available
The second day of the conference i.e 6th  February started with the Session conducted by Mr. Rajan Kale ,Validation and verification Manager from iGATE company. He shared his views and experiences on the topic “Software testing”. Mr. Kale elaborated various phases in software development life cycle and how testing is carried out at each phases. In his lecture he said early phases testing helps to reduce the cast of developments and efforts taken. Test cases are built up manually as well as built in software can be used for verification and validation. In Fact, testing improves the quality of the software developed. He also discussed a number of software tools available for testing as well as the issues related to testing.
Fifth session was paper presentation session where the delegates presented their research work. Hon’ble Dr. M.S.Prasad,Director ,MCA program Institute of Management and Entreprenuership  Development,Pune chaired the paper presentation session. Many research areas like character recognition cloved computing, aspects mining etc. were discussed. Students and delegates appreciated this informative session.
The two days National conference on ‘Computing, Communication and Information Technology’ was concluded by  Valedictory function. Dr. M.S Prasad  distributed certificate to participants. Delegates Mrs. Geeta Mete and Mrs. Manisha Bharambe expressed their views about the conference and thanked the organizers for the knowledgeable event.Finally, Mrs. S.S. Shukla and Mrs.J.S. Ghadge thanked the delegates and students for their co-operation.

Inauguration conference with respected Dignitaries and participants