Activities / Workshops / Seminars / Webinars



The Department of Computer Science in collaboration with Robosol- For a Cause in association with AAKAAR IIT Bombay had organized two day workshop on “ETHICAL HACKING”on 6th and 7th March, 2020. Total 40 participants registered for this workshop. As hacking is a concept fascinating the younger generation the topic selected was ethical hacking so as to imbibe the importance and seriousness of hacking on the students. Incharge Principal Dr.S.R.Patil inaugurated the workshop. During his speech he highlighted about the various activities of the college and the importance of ethics they should follow in their life.  Dr.Mrs.S.S.Shukla welcomed the Incharge Principal, staff and the participants, also guided the students on the various aspects of academics which would help them to acquire  lifelong learning skills.
Mr. Urvesh Thakkar, Cyber Crime Helpline LLP conducted the workshop. The following topics were covered by him during the workshop:

  • Introduction to Cyber Security
  • Information gathering
  • Foot printing
  • Network basics
  • Network security
  • Website security
  • Website scanning
  • Social engineering concept
  • Phishing attacks
  • Bombing attacks
  • Password cracking
  • Social media hacking
  • Viruses
  • Malwares
  • Understanding and attacking systems using RATs(Remote Access Trojan)
  • Attacking android phones
  • Cyber crime prevention techniques
  • Cyber career glimpse

The workshop earned a very good response from the students. Staff members of the department Dr.Mrs.S.R.Jagtap, Mrs.J.S.Ghadge and Dr.Mrs.Y.V.Bhapkar helped to make the workshop a big success. The two days workshop concluded by distribution of certificate of participation and certification of merit was given to three participants viz. Mr. Mayur Shirsat, Miss. Shivani Indral And Miss.Amruta kale