


Brief Introduction

Alumni are the face of the institute. They play a vital role in creating an image of the institute in society. The great achievements alumni make have gained a high reputation for their alma mater. They are the ones who make the institute proud and make current students look up to them as a successful mentor.

Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Architecture has been imparting architectural education Since 1994. More than 1000 alumni have graduated in the last 23 years. The institute is keen on making ‘socially responsible’, ‘environmentally sensitive’, and ‘economically conscious’, architectural professionals.

Alumni Association aims to create a broad alumni network for creating opportunities for dialogue, sharing knowledge, and Cultural and professional interaction. It also intends to unite all the graduates from Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Architecture. It strengthens ties between alumni, and Alma Mater, providing opportunities for cooperation and communication.

The college has also an active alumni association which has successfully to reached out, engaged all alumni, and present students by networking with one another to foster a lifelong intellectual and emotional connection between the college and between the Alumni themselves.

  • Alumni meet.
  • Alumni D-Talks series.
  • Alumni E newsletter.
  • Alumni Directory
  • Alumni Exhibition

Brief Introduction:

IIC is expected to organize innovation and entrepreneurship promotion and support programs, ensure round the year activities in campus for effective engagement, learning and practicing innovation and entrepreneurship among student and faculty.

IIC is designed to foster the culture of innovation and start-up ecosystem. IIC will address the existing challenges such as less numbers, occasional and unplanned innovation and entrepreneurship activities organized with low involvement of mentors/leadership, lack of coherence and absence of synergy in resource mobilization, deployment and underutilization of creative potential of students.

IIC will engage faculty, students and staff in various innovation and entrepreneurship related activities such as ideation, problem solving, proof of concept development, design thinking, IPR, project handling and management at pre-incubation and incubation stage, so that vibrant innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem emerges from the College.

Objective of the cell is to Create a vibrant local innovation ecosystem and start-up supporting mechanism, establish ecosystem for scouting ideas and pre-incubation of ideas, develop better cognitive ability for students.

  • Conduct various innovation and entrepreneurship-related activities prescribed by Central MIC.
  • Identify and reward innovations and share success stories.
  • Organize periodic workshops, seminars, interactions with entrepreneurs, investors, professionals and create a mentor pool for student innovators.
  • Network with peers and national entrepreneurship development organizations.
  • Highlight innovative projects carried out by institution’s faculty and students.
  • Organize Hackathons, idea competition, mini-challenges etc. with the involvement of industries.

Brief Introduction:

“Architecture” finds its root in Arts and Technology both. Both Architecture and Arts have their physical evidence from ancient civilization, they share common vocabularies from design concept to the final product. Sketching is more than just scribble on a piece of paper it is a tool to find and convey ideas and find solution to a complex process of building A Building. No matter how technology advances, architect’s should sketch. Similarly photography is strong medium for capturing visual narratives and timeless story of building of the times.

Nurturing these skills thus become essential part of making of an architect, as they are core skills to improve one’s visualization, aesthetics and sensibility. BVDUCOA offers the platform of Art club to imbibe there skillsets and engage students into allied art related activities. The club intents to promote, develop and culminate skills in the new and budding members. The club is a platform to showcase and discuss new ideas of art and work amongst like minded peers. The club further, helps to organize an annual exhibition for its members to display their work. This club helps members to keep their hobbies intact.

  • To conduct art related workshops to develop the skills in the interested members.
  • To hold exhibitions displaying work of the members.
  • To encourage more interaction of students with the subject.
  • To organize walks to pause, observe, analyze and capture the elements of the observations through photography.

Brief Introduction:

The institute has formulated committee to frame institute level polices to address Sexual harassment complaints and its resolution. The committee will serve to create safe spaces through the provision of this platform for lodging complaints related to violence and harassment against women. The committee shall focus on the orientation about the women empowerment schemes and to ensure safe learning and working spaces for the students and employees. Also committee shall ensure all notices regarding committee details , resources available and consequences of sexual harassment has been displayed at conspicuous places.

Objective of the committee is to prepare institutional level policies to deal with the cases of Sexual harassment, provide safest environment to evade violence and harassment cases in the institution premises and to create platform to address Sexual harassment related concerns.

  • Conduction of Student orientation Program.
  • Organize gender sensitization program.
  • Workshop on safety audit.
  • Install CCTV Cameras at prominent spaces.

Brief Introduction:

BVDUCOA’s CENTRE FOR INCLUSIVE DESIGN AND RESEARCH (CIDR) is a progressive step towards our honorable Founder Shri. Patangrao Kadam sir’ s vision of creating SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION THROUGH DYNAMIC EDUCATION. The Center’s activities shall be based on the philosophy of Inclusive Design, often called “Universal Design” or “Design for All.” The Centre shall focus on research, development, education, dissemination, and design projects related to Universal / Inclusive Design with a broader aim to align the institute’s academic direction and agenda with the UN SDGs and global mandate for diversity inclusion.

Cell works:

Establishing CIDR as the nodal institute and resource Centre for the university for all infrastructural, educational, developmental and awareness initiatives / reforms under the subject of Gender and Disability Inclusion and Inclusive Education.

Developing strategic alliances / collaborations within and outside the university with leading Govt. departments, public bodies and corporates for knowledge exchange and creating opportunities for our students to work on important national level initiatives in this direction.

Creating a body of knowledge on Inclusive Design practices through multidisciplinary research projects conducted with other units within the university in the spirit of the ensuing NEP.

  • Workshops on awareness initiatives / reforms under the subject of Gender and Disability Inclusion and Inclusive Education.
  • Conferences : Inclusive Design practices through multidisciplinary Research Projects conducted with other units within the university in the spirit of the ensuing NEP.
  • Developing alliances / collaborations within and outside the university with leading Govt. departments, public bodies and corporates for knowledge exchange and creating opportunities for our students/ faculty to work on important national level initiatives.
  • Design Services

Brief Introduction:

The Heritage Cell has been formulated to ensure transmission of Knowledge and significance of our rich and varied heritage - built and natural to the next generation through various activities. Our heritage provides clues to our culture and knowledge systems. It helps us understand our traditions and evolutionary progress through Tangible and Intangible cultural traits, architectural manifestations, rituals and traditions . Heritage encompasses our history and our identity, our lineage and bonding to the past, to our present and the future. The Cell activities are intended to expose the young minds to our glorious past.

Objective of the cell is to understand the values associated with Heritage and Tradition and Culture, work towards documentation, recording and study of any and all aspects of things, objects, built and unbuilt areas associated and valued for their significance, understand the role and importance of Heritage and Traditional knowledge systems - Tangible and Intangible- and its relationship to contemporary times, conduct activities to encourage students to acquaint themselves to the scope of the subject.

  • Organizing exhibitions displaying information and documentation of historic buildings and areas.
  • Conducting competitions – national and local – to encourage more interaction of students with the subject.
  • Documentation of listed buildings, monuments etc.
  • Organizing lecture series / walks to disseminate information of heritage structures and traditional systems.

Objective of the cell is to prevent ragging of students in the institute, create awareness among the students about the need to eradicate ragging, regular monitoring of students to prevent any untoward incidences of ragging.

Brief Introduction:

As per the requirement of the University Grants Commission ,under Section 26(1)(g) Act, 1956 the college has an Anti Ragging Committee.

  • Online affidavits from students and parents at the beginning of the academic year were taken.
  • Distribution & display of important phone numbers of Principal / Warden / senior faculty/ Management members and Police officers.
  • Principal addressed all staff and the students on need to prevent ragging. Parents are also informed of the anti ragging act.
  • Installing CCTV cameras at vital points.

Brief Introduction:

Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed to be University, College of Architecture has a robust students Grievance committee to address the complaints lodged by any student and resolving it within stipulated time. The students can state their grievance by approaching the concerned faculty in person or who want to remain anonymous, can be dropped complaint in the suggestion box.Grievance can also be sent through email to the concerned faculty of Students’ Grievance Cell. Any complaints of the students regarding ragging or sexual harassment or academic affairs can be lodged to the committee.

Objective of the committee is to encourage students for expressing problems freely and frankly, without any fear of being victimized, settle the grievances of the students within a reasonable time period, maintain a harmonious educational atmosphere in the institute by strengthening the Student-Student relationship and Student-teacher relationship etc., prohibit ragging in any form in and outside the institution.

  • Meeting with student council once in a Month.
  • Addressing the complaints received in the suggestion box.
  • Organizing Self-defence workshop.

Brief Introduction:

Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University) values its students beyond their geographical orientation. We also understand the need for a helping hand or a guide that is constant for a student settling in a different country for studies.

Internationalization of higher education is a process that integrates inter-national, inter-cultural, or global dimensions into higher education through inviting admission from students across geographical boundaries. Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University) has a special focus on implementing this theory for the holistic growth of all its students.

Keeping this in view, the university has established a separate unit viz. the International Students’ which facilitates international students, aspiring to be a part of Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University), complete guidance in matters related to admissions, studies, accommodation, fees, arrival services, orientation, etc.

The university has established a separate unit viz. the International Students’. The Institute facilitates international students, aspiring to be a part of Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University), complete guidance in matters related to admissions, studies, accommodation, fees, arrival services, orientation, etc.

The University ISC also aids students through various Bridge Courses for International students in different arenas at times to match their needs. As a representation to the University ISC , Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be) University College of Architecture, Pune has established an International Student Cell to assist and coordinate with the University ISC for administrative and academic documentation of International Students admitted to the courses offered by the college.

Main Objective at the University Level is internationalizing its constituent units as well as to help International Students in the matter of admissions, studies etc. and to give them appropriate advice, advise students on all matters relating to application, admission, fees, arrival services and orientation.

  • Administrative documentation of admitted International Students if any
  • Academic and administrative reporting of students to the University International Students Cell.

Brief Introduction:

Learning out of the Box is planned annually in the activity week of winter semester to engage students in a livelier way. LOoTB is an innovative opportunity for the students to facilitate outdoor learning by tapping the educational resources of our city and society offers. LOoTB is a series of educational exposure visits to studiously identified sites within the city limits were planned to learn more about the city, architecture, art, heritage, technology, environment and social inclusion through experiential engagement and guided interaction with industry experts.

LOoTB initiates both a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approach, aspiring on professional interactions, talks, hands on activities; heritage walks, workshops and a series of educational exposure visits. LOoTB engages students in academic and co-curricular activities through experiential learning and gives exposure to students to technical and practical knowledge in the architecture.

  • Exposure visits to studiously identified sites in field
  • Professional interactions with architects and industry experts.
  • Hands on activities with professional and artists
  • Organizing Workshops in technology, environment etc.
  • Experiential engagement and guided interaction with industry experts.

Brief Introduction:

Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Architecture has promoted meaningful Research and Development activities with a vision and mission to pursue and promote Research in Frontier Technologies in Design and Architecture. In order to strengthen and expand the research activities in the institute, Architecture Research Cell was established and is functioning in this Institution from last several years. It is acting as the nodal center for all Research related activities.

Objective of the cell is to enhance the research output of the institute by research paper publication in journals and reputed conferences, promote Institute- R&D Organization- Industry Collaboration, organize Conferences /workshops/ seminar/ trainings related to promotion of research and create awareness about filing Patents & IPR. Effective management of Ph.D. Program.

  • Conferences /workshops/ seminar/ trainings related to promotion of research and IPR

Brief Introduction:

The Equal Opportunities Cell at BVDUCOA is committed to eliminating all forms of unlawful discrimination (which includes direct discrimination, indirect discrimination and denial of reasonable accommodation), bullying and harassment of any student / faculty / staff / visitor on the grounds of any difference related to age, gender, disability, language, caste, economic status etc. The broader aim of this cell is to align the institute’s academic direction and agenda with the UNAI -Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The Cell follows Government of India instructions issued from time to time, for empowerment of persons with disabilities (PWD). It has been the endeavor of the Institute to maintain a conducive and harmonious work environment to ensure that all including the persons with disabilities enjoy the right to equality, education, access, life with dignity and respect for his or her integrity equally with others.

we continuously striving to ensure that all our facilities, technologies, information and privileges are accessible to all persons with disabilities amongst our students, staff, faculty and visitors .


The Equal Opportunities Centre is committed to promoting awareness on equal opportunity and inclusion of people with disabilities among all students and employees by organizing training and sensitisation programmes and campaigns.

Creating a body of knowledge on Universal Declaration of Human Rights through multidisciplinary research projects conducted with other units .

Developing strategic alliances / collaborations within and outside the university with leading Govt. departments, public bodies and corporate for knowledge exchange and creating opportunities for our students to work Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Promote communications that represent unbiased representations of women ,men ,gender equity and disability.

  • Workshops on awareness initiatives / reforms under the subject of Universal Declaration of Human Rights C
  • onferences : Equal Opportunities Through multidisciplinary research projects conduction
  • Developing strategic alliances / collaborations within and outside the university with leading Govt. departments, public bodies and corporate for knowledge exchange and creating opportunities for our students to work sensitization programs
  • Series of training programs on Entrepreneurship Development for girls and economically disadvantaged.
  • To provide Counseling facility where faculty and students can reach out in matters of need related to gender-related communication. To conduct counseling sessions for the girl students on a regular manner by the lady faculty members
  • Organization of inspirational lectures and talks by successful leaders, practitioners to motivate students for future career and societal roles
  • Balanced gender quota in hiring admin staff and faculty.
  • Lady faculties and staff members are to be given equal participations in different activities performed throughout the year. All the committees formed, should include lady faculties and staffs in appropriate numbers.

Brief Introduction:

Energy consumption in buildings is a major concern worldwide with growing energy demands in this sector. Conserving energy is an essential step towards reducing carbon footprint. CECS was established with an objective ‘to promote energy conservation in buildings and low environmental impact development.’ This objective of CECS is in line with vision of our institute, “Inculcate Sensitivity towards Sustainable Built Environment through Architectural Education.” Through various activities of CECS we are contributing towards energy conservation and environment protection.


The cell conducts various activities such as conduction of training workshops for professionals and students, carrying out awareness about Energy Conservation and Environment Protection through awareness drives, celebrating important days such as World Environment Day, observing EC week, hosting competitions, etc. It also offers research and consultancy related to green building, energy and green audits.

  • Observing Energy Conservation Week in December 2022 by organizing a webinar
  • Conduct awareness drive for carbon footprint during EC week
  • Competition for school children to create awareness during EC week
  • Celebrating EC awards and giving away prices to participants of EC drawing competition
  • Conducting seminars on sustainable architecture for thesis students from various architecture colleges in Pune and other cities