Principal’s Desk 

As India celebrates 75 years of Independence in 2022 and we look at the next 25 years of sustainable development to propel our country to join the elite league of developed nations of the world; we are poised at a crucial juncture of our history. Comprehensive, holistic, sustainable development and infrastructure will pave the path for our country to succeed in this mission.

Prof. Kavita Murugkar PRINCIPAL

Our young minds, trained and equipped with cutting edge training in design skills, technology and tools aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG) will play a vital role in ensuring that sustainable and inclusive physical infrastructure are designed and implemented across the country in the coming decades.

Architecture and architects play a crucial role in creation of public and private built infrastructure and at this crucial juncture in our history, it is imperative that a school of architecture engages with and challenges the minds of budding architects to take challenges head-on and design sustainable, creative and sensitive solutions; deeply rooted in context, empathy and inclusive design thinking.

Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Architecture aims to train and equip the students with Empathy, Sensitivity, Design Thinking Skills, Technical expertise, Social Awareness, Economic literacy and Advanced tools and technology to successfully evolve as competent and industry ready professionals and future leaders. We believe in the triad of Social Sustainability, Environmental Sustainability and Economic Sustainability and inculcate these values in our students right from the formative years.

Our student centric and inclusive approach, dynamic course curriculum, innovative teaching and learning methodology, research-oriented studio policy, guided exposure visits, academia and industry interface initiatives, numerous national and international collaborations are our strengths - which keep us at the forefront of architecture education in the country.

Our dedicated and experienced core faculty team and seasoned pool of professionals serving as visiting faculty members, ably supported by an experienced administration team, strive and work in tandem to achieve our objectives.

Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University) management with its pro-students and pro-learning policies and support, ensure that our students always get access to the best learning environment, aids and technology along with exposure to real life situations.

We are committed to our Founder Chancellor Dr. Patangrao Kadam Sir’s vision to stimulate SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION THROUGH DYNAMIC EDUCATION and contribute meaningfully to the cause of nation building.

Jai Hind !