Research Publications: International
Journals – 22 (Scopus indexed) and 18 (Peer Reviewed Journal), International
Conferences –08 (Scopus Indexed) and 03 (Non-Scopus indexed)
o Scopus Indexed and
Web of Science:
Priyanka Malviya,Gauri Rao, Rohini B.
Jadhav, Mayuri h. Molawade,”A Heuristic Approach For Graph Based Machine
Translation”, IIOAB Journal , Volume 8, Issue 4,2017/
2. Rohini
Jadhav, Dr.Shashank Joshi, Umesh G. Thorat , Aditi S. Joshi,”
A Software Defect Learning and Analysis Utilizing Regression Method for Quality
Software Development”, International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer
Science and Engineering, ISSN 2278-3091, Volume 8, No.4, July – August 2019
3. Shital Pawar, Meghana Lokhande , Sandip Thite
, Jyothi A. P. , Rucha Samant, Rohini Jadhav , D. B. Jadhav,”Security and QoS (Quality of
Service) related Current Challenges in IoT”, SSRG International Journal of Electronics and
Communication Engineering ISSN No:2348-8549Volume 10 Issue 4, 9-20, April 2023.
4. Dr.Rohini B. Jadhav, Veena J.
Jadhav, Dr.Rohit B. Jadhav, Mayuri Molawade, Shital Patil, Shital A. Pawar,” A
Novel Stack Ensembled Approach for Emotion Recognition from EEG Signals:
Performance and Robustness Analysis”, International Journal of Intelligent
Systems and Applications in Engineering, ISSN No:2147-6799 Volume 11, Issue 7s,
Pages 236 – 242, July 2023.
5. Raghavendra M Devadas, Vani Hiremani
, Ranjeet Vasant Bidwe , Bhushan Zope , Veena Jadhav, Rohini Jadhav,” Identifying
Factors in Congenital Heart Disease Transition using Fuzzy DEMATEL”,
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications. ISSN No:
2156-5570 Volume 14 Issue 12, pp. 181–187, August 2023.
6. Dr.Rohini B. Jadhav,Veena J. Jadhav,
Netra Patil, Akash Suryawanshi, Dr.Mrunal Bewoor, Mayuri Molawade,” Analysis
Effect of Gradient Descent Optimization on Logistic Regression in Brain Stroke
Prediction”, International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications
in Engineering, ISSN No:2147-6799 Volume 11,Issue 11, Page:17-26, September
7. Dr.Rohini Jadhav, Yogesh
Suryawanshi, Yashashree Bedmutha,K R Patil, Prawit Chumchu, “Mint leaves:
Dried, fresh, and spoiled dataset for condition analysis and machine learning
applications”, ISSN No: 2352-3409,Data in Brief, Volume 51, December 2023.
8. Veena Jadhav, Dr.Prakash Devale,
Dr.Rohini Jadhav, Ranjeet Bidwe, Madhavi Mane,Prajakta Pawar,” Machine
Learning and Just-in-Time Strategies for Effective Bug Tracking in Software
Development”, International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications
in Engineering, 2024, ISSN No:2147-6799 Volume 12 Issue 6s, pp. 749–758,
December 2023.
9. Sandip Thite, Kailas Patil,
Dr.Rohini Jadhav, Yogesh Suryawanshi, Prawit Chumchu,” Empowering
agricultural research: A comprehensive custard apple (Annona squamosa) disease
dataset for precise detection”, ISSN No: 2352-3409 Data in Brief, Volume
53, April 2024.
10. Rohini B. Jadhav, Milind Gayakwad,
Shital Pawar, S. D. Jadhav, Rahul Joshi, Amruta V. Patil, Hiren Dand, Disha
Sushant Wankhede,” Analyzing Existing Algorithms and Identifying Gaps in
Brain Stroke Detection”, Journal of Electrical Systems , ISSN no:1112-5209
, Volume 20,Issue 2s , Page no:409-417, May 2024.
11. Kailas Patil , Rohini Jadhav , Yogesh
Suryawanshi, Prawit Chumchu , Gaurav Khare, Tanishk Shinde,” HelmetML: A
dataset of helmet images for machine learning applications”, ISSN No:
2352-3409 Data in Brief, Volume 56, October 2024
12. Rohini Jadhav, Sandip Thite, Shital Pawar , Kailas
Patil, Prawit Chumchu, “Exploring the natural pothole dataset generated by
the abrasion and cavitation effects of river water on rocks”, ISSN No:
2352-3409 Data in Brief, Volume 57, December 2024.
13. Pranati Waghodekar, Mrunal S. Bewoor, Rohini
Jadhav, Sheetal Patil ,” Survey paper on Secured Data Retrieval from a
distributed database using custom blockchain and Role Base Access Control.”, ISSN
No: 1092-910X , Advances in Nonlinear Variational Inequalities, Volume 27,
Issue 3, Pages 688 – 705 2024, DOI: 10.52783/anvi.v27.1436
14. Pawar, S., Jadhav, D.B., Godse, D., Jadhav,
R., Thakur, S.,”Vision-Based Empty Shelf Detection in Retail with RealTime
Telegram Notifications for Efficient Restocking”, SSRG International
Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering, 2024, 11(7), pp. 180–187,
July 2024.
15. Rohini Jadhav, Mayuri Molawade, Amol Bhosale,
Yogesh Suryawanshi, Kailas Patil, Prawit Chumchu,” Dataset of Centella
Asiatica Leaves for Quality Assessment and Machine Learning Applications”,
November 2024 Data
in Brief 57(3):111150 DOI:10.1016/j.dib.2024.111150
o Peer Reviewed
Rohini Jadhav and Dr.Shashank Joshi, “Implementation
of Runtime Web Service Discovery”, International Journal of Scientific
Engineering and Technology Research
2. Rohini
Jadhav,Ambesh Bajpai, Animesh Sinha, Abhishek Kumar Singh “A
Survey on Various Approaches for Sentiment Analysis and Performance
Optimization”, International Journal of Engineering Research &
Technology (IJERT), ISSN: 2278-0181, Vol. 6 Issue 04, April-2017.
3. Rohini
Jadhav, Dr.Shashank Joshi, Umesh G. Thorat , Aditi S. Joshi,”A Probabilistic
and Deterministic based Defect Prediction through Defect Association Learning
in Software Development,International Journal of Recent Technology and
Engineering (IJRTE) ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-6, March 2020.
4. Rohini
Jadhav, Tanmay Chordia, Yagyesh Shrivastava, Srijan Kumar Singh, Umesh Thorat,”Two
Way Communication for the Differently Abled.”,International Journal of
Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075,
Volume-9 Issue-6, April 2020
5. Shivam
Mishra, Rishav Sinha, Tribhuwan Singh, Prof. R.B Jadhav, Prof. D.M Thakure,’’Smart
Vehicle Parking System”,IJSDR
, ISSN: 2455-2631 Volume 5, Issue 5, May 2020.
6. Ravi Shankar, Akshat Srivastava, Gurunath
Gupta, Rohini Jadhav,UmeshThorat,”Fake Image Detection Using Machine
Learning”, International Journal of
Creative Research Thoughts, ISSN-2320-2882.
7. Rohini
Jadhav, Dr.Shashank Joshi, Umesh G. Thorat , Aditi S. Joshi,”
Software Defect Prediction Utilizing Deterministic and Probabilistic Approach
for Optimizing Performance through Defect Association Learning”,
International Journal of Emerging Trends
in Engineering Research, ISSN 2347
– 3983, Volume 8. No. 6, June 2020
8. 10. Dr.Rohini B.Jadhav, Radhika Agarwal, Niharika
Singh, Nidhi Jain, ”Driver Drowsiness Detection System”,IJIRT,Volume 8
Issue 3,ISSN-2349-6002, August 2021
9. 11. Dr.Rohini Bajirao Jadhav,Piyush Jain,Shivani
Mishra,Swarna, ”Creation of an Online community of bibliophiles using a
dedicated social media platform”, IJIRT,Volume 8 Issue 3 , ISSN :
2349-6002, August 2021
10. 12. Prof.Rohini Jadhav,Archit Soni,Amisha
Rastogi,Arpan Gupta,”Stress Detection Using Facial Land Marking System”,International
Journal of all research education and scientific methods, Volume 9
Issue-8,ISSN:2455-6211,August 2021.
11. Mayuri H Molawade,
Shashank D Joshi, Rohini Jadhav,” Software reliability prediction using NHPP
and Least median of squares (LMS) for parameters estimation”, Mathematical
Statistician and Engineering Applications, Volume 71Issue 3 Pages 1194-1206,
August 2022
12. Mayuri H Molawade,
Shashank D Joshi, Rohini Jadhav ,”Statistical Review of Dataset and
Mathematical Model for Software Reliability Prediction Using Linear
Regression”, Journal of Positive School Psychology, Pages
5474–5481-5474–5481, June 22
13. Shivansh Bhat, Shourya Goswami, Rahil
Bopche,Veena Jadhav,Rohini Jadhav,”Harvey-The Python-Based Intelligent Voice
Assistant”, International Journal of Innovation Research in Technology, ISSN-2349-6002,
Volume 9 Issue 2 ,July 2022
14. Sashank Yadav,Aman Singh,Veena
Jadhav,Dr.Rohini Jadhav,”Heart Disease Prediction Using Machine Learning”, International
Journal of Innovation Research in Technology, ISSN-2349-6002, Volume 9 Issue 2,
July 2022
15. Piyush Garg,Yashika Choudhary, Utkarsh
Pandita,Samarth Singh Thakur,Veena Jadhav,Dr.Rohini Jadhav,”AR Canvas with
Python”, International Journal of Innovation Research in Technology, ISSN-2349-6002,
Volume 9 Issue 2, July 2022.
Kalyan D Bamane, Dr. Preeti Patil, Dr. A. M. Pawar, Mrs. S. S. Patil, Mrs.
Anusha Meti, Mrs. Rutuja Vivek Tikait, Dr. R. B. Jadhav, Dr. Uday C. Patkar,”A
Webpage classification survey on techniques using text mining”, Journal of
Data Acquisition and Processing, 2023, ISSN No: 1004-9037 Volume 38 Issue1:
797-813 January 2023.
S.D.Jadhav, M.S.Jadhav, R.B.Jadhav,” Surface
Water Quality Assessment of Selected Sampling Stations of Krishna River,
Maharashtra (India)”, NOVYI MIR Research Journal, ISSN NO: 0130-7673,426-433,May
Sheetal S. Patil, Suhas H. Patil, Avinash M. Pawar, Gauri R. Rao, Rohini
B. Jadhav, Dharmesh Dhabliya,” Empirical Analysis of Transformer Models and
Pretrained Convolutional Neural Networks for Medicinal Plant Identification and
Classification”, Frontiers in Health Informatics Open Access Volume 13,
Issue 2, Pages 509 – 522 ,7 October 2024.