Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed to Be University College of Nursing, Sangli conducted an induction programme for Newly admitted students of BSc Nursing, Post Basic BSc Nursing and MSc Nursing of academic year 2023-2024 from 21st August to 24 th August 2023 with purpose of introducing them to the workings of the institution and help them seamlessly integrate into their academic journey with us
On 21 st August 2023, Monday Mrs.Shaila Mathew Asst.Professor initiated the program, welcoming the students and familiarizing them with the history of the institute using stories about our founder the honorable Dr Patangrao Kadam and his relentless pursuit of making education accessible to the common folk of this country, an ideal which was the basis of starting this university. The students were further given a brief history of the college along with an overview of the multitude of courses it has to offer. Dr .Pravin B Dani, Vice principal and HOD Department of Medical Surgical Nursing spoke to the students next and emphasized on the need to ease into their studies rather than stressing about it. The pupils were reminded that fear would not lead them to a better score or career path but an undying passion towards their line of work would.

Day 2 : 22nd August 2023
Orientation to different committees of the college. Details of each committee were given by respective chairpersons of the committee.
Orientation about SNA was given by Mrs. Nikita Bhandari .Given details about the SNA unit of the college, scholarships and other facilities provided by SNA and different activities by SNA unit.

Dr.Basavant Dhudum, Asso.Professor has given details about the different forms of ragging with examples, what sort of punishments could be expected by those who practice it along with guiding students on ways to file a complaint against such acts . Introduced the students about registering and filling the forms in website and asked them to submit the copy to respective coordinators.

Orientation to the Grievance committee was given by Mrs.Shaila Mathew, Asst.Professor introduced the objectives and committee members of the college. Explained the meaning of grievance and how to lodge a complaint .Students were assured about the confidentiality and oriented about the university redressal portal.

Dr.Aprana B Kale introduced the students to forms of sexual harassment and the need to take a severe and sincere stand against it. The students were encouraged to inform on any such experiences they had along with the proper way to file a complaint regarding the same. They were also reminded of the assurance of anonymity in such cases
Mrs. Nirmala Londhe introduced the NSS with its benefits to academic. Activities of NSS were explained and reminded the students that it is not only for academic befinit, it is an opportunity to serve the humanity and will help you develop your personality.

Day 3: 23/08/23 Wednesday
Orientation of Hospital authorities was done by Mrs.Shilpa Satralker. She welcomed the upper management and students. Introduced all hospital executives to the students and welcomed all with flowers as felicitation .Dr.Sara Dhanawade, Dean Bharati Hospital and medical college, Sangli told the students that they had chosen a great profession and they are the front line worker in patient care as they would be with the patient 24 hours . Dr. (Mrs) Saraswati Herwade nursing superintendent ,Bharati hospital Sangli motivated the students to be with staff during their time inside the ward as it is not possible to learn everything from textbooks and real world guidance is not something that can be replicated . Dr.Ajit Joshi,Medical superintendent ,Bharati Hospital ,Dr.Pankaja Palange, Deputy Dean ,Bharati Hospital and Dr.Nilima Rajan Bhore, Dean Faculty of Nursing & Principal,BVDU college of nursing, Sangli were also present for the programme. The third day of the orientation ended with refreshments being provided to all.

Day 4 : 24/08/2023 Thursday
Orientation of syllabus was given by respective coordinators ie Mrs.Sindhu Gaikwad - first year B.Sc Nursing, Mrs.Rohini Dani –First year P.B.BSc Nursing and Mrs.Shaila Mathew – First year MSc Nursing Explained about examination pattern ,eligibility criteria for admission, attendence required for filling examination form , the reuirment of assignment and faculties who are taking different subjects.