Activities / Workshops / Webinars


Venue-Collge Of Nursing, Auditorium, Sangli.

Time-10am to 3 pm

Organizer-Astitwa Alumni Association Collge Of Nursing Sangli.

Type of Activity-Alumni Meet 2023

Keynote Speaker-Mrs. Shraddha Shinde (Soft Skill Trainer) Founder of Shraddha’s Skill Academy

Number Of Beneficiaries- Virtual 25 and 100 Alumni Physically.


  • To bring the Alumni members of the Bharati Vidyapeeth, College of Nursing, Sangli into a close relationship with each other.

Details About Event Organized:

Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be university) college of nursing sangli. Astitwa alumni association had organized alumni MEET on 16th march 2023. The meet was arranged both, online and offline mode and around 25 alumni had joined virtually. Whereas, 100 were able to join the meet physically in the college.

Dr. Mrs. Nilima R. Bhore Dean faculty of nursing & principal BVDU collge of nursing sangli Was the chief guest for the occasion who inaugurated the event? Our alimni Ms. Priyanka Kamble & Milka Devraj welcomed all the dignitaries with token of love memento. She also thank them all the alumni for responding to the invitation from department and being present for the alumni meet in spite of their busy schedule.

The alumni shared their experience and also participated in the group activities like singing and dancing

The secretory report was presented by Mr. Vishal Ghorpade and treasurer report was presented by Mrs. Sudiavi Kadam.

Overall, the Programme was very educative and informative for the alumni regarding Work Life Balance for Nursing Professional, The Programme was conducted by offering vote of thanks.


The meet was very effectively organized.
