Core Value

Bharati Vidyapeeth has made astonishing strides in the field of education, particularly, higher and professional education. Bharati Vidyapeeth has a mission to bring about Social Transformation Through Dynamic Education.



  • Support the mission and vision of the Institute.
  • Focus on student and stakeholder needs.
  • Be responsible and accountable in our activities at all levels of the institution
  • Continually seek to earn the public’s trust in all of our actions and words
  • Respond to the changing needs of our communities in a timely manner.
  • Create new programs and services to meet identified needs.
  • Continuously evaluate and improve programs, services, systems, and policies.
  • Utilize a shared decision-making process.


  • Exhibit quality in staffing, facilities, programs, and services
  • Promote continuous improvement
  • Anticipate needs and respond accordingly
  • Encourage creativity, innovation, and risk-taking
  • Utilize systems that promote student and employee success
  • Exceed student and stakeholder expectations
  • Encourage decision-making at the level of implementation
  • Encourage interdepartmental collaboration
  • View setbacks as learning experiences


  • Include stakeholders in the decisions that affect them
  • Treat people with dignity and encourage feelings of self-worth
  • Promote trust through professional courtesy and fair treatment
  • Recognize and support employee and student contributions


  • Take responsibility for professional growth and development of the
  • student, staff and the Institute
  • Continuously evaluate and improve our systems and policies
  • Establish and communicate clearly defined and articulated goals and objectives
  • Ensure our work adds value to the Institute and Society


  • Ensure fair and equal access for all
  • Recognize, appreciate, and celebrate the strength of diversity
  • Provide educational experiences that promote a greater appreciation for
  • Diversity Implement learning activities that integrate diversity topics in the classroom
  • Seek and consider multiple points of view