Institutional Development Plan (IDP)

Institutional Strategic Goals

  • Effective Teaching- Learning process
  • Effective Leadership and Participative management
  • Perpetual Internal Quality Assurance System
  • Ensuring effective governance
  • Student’s Holistic Development through Participation
  • Employees Advancement & Welfare
  • Regular Industry-Academia Interface for placement, skill-development, learning,       internship and apprenticeship
  • Ensuring Discipline & Conducive learning environment in the campus
  • Women/Student/Faculty Grievances are duly redressed
  • Financial Planning & Management
  • Encouragement of Budding Entrepreneurs
  • Constant Growth in Research and Development
  • Boosting Internal Revenue Generation
  • Alumni Interaction and Outreach activities
  • Mounting Physical Infrastructure

Effective Teaching- Learning processes

  • Academic planning and preparation of Academic Calendar & Activity Calendar
  • Preparation of Course Manual
  • Preparation of Lesson Plan based on CO & PO mapping
  • Conduct training based on current demand analysis
  • Constant assessment to measure outcomes
  • Use of more practical methods of teaching
  • Use of e- learning resources
  • Promote research culture & facilities
  • Provide mentoring and individual support
  • Follow a transparent feedback system
  • Performance enhancement through workshops and seminars.
  • Implementation of best practices for students
  • Evaluation parameters and bench marking

Effective Leadership and Participative management

  • KRAs for faculty members are discussed and given in advance
  • Decentralization of the academic, administration and student related authorities & responsibilities
  • Faculty meetings every week
  • The minutes of the meetings are communicated to the Principal who in turn consolidates all the suggestions and submits them to the Management for approval & reference.

Perpetual Internal Quality Assurance System

  • Establishment of IQAC 
  • Develop, maintain and regularly update the document of all the processes involved in the   academic and administrative activities and the forms to implement the processes.
  • All the departments, with the teaching and non-teaching faculty carry out the activities as per the Processes and forms.
  • Stakeholders satisfaction by collecting feedbacks from students, parents, alumni and industry and actions are taken to ensure that the college satisfies all its stakeholders.
  • Internal Audit - Regular internal audits are conducted at planned intervals to checks the effectiveness of the implementation, maintenance and improvement.
  • Regular Audit through Academic Audit Committee & IQAC
  • Audit for remedial measures
  • Framing of Quality Policy
  • Educating & Training of all employees
  • Release of Annual report preparation & submission

Ensuring Effective Governance

  • To review the smooth running of the administrative activities of the college, discussing approval of new programs.
  • To review the examination results (Internal as well as External) of all programs; result analysis and their improvement strategies.
  • To approve the up gradation & maintenance of the Infrastructure of the Institute.
  • To review the budget allocated for different purposes and their expenditure etc.
  • Promotion of various faculty career advancement programs, Approval for posts etc.
  • To review the Placement activities, Collaborations with Industry and R&D programs.
  • Reviewing the Performance appraisal of faculty backed with the discussion. & suggestions given by Faculty for improvements in the college.
  • To review the awards and scholarships for students. 
  • Evaluation of Institute’s performance and benchmarking
  • Institutional strategic goals setting
  • Institutional Strategic Planning
  • Monitoring and Implementing the Quality Management Systems
  • Establishing E-Governance
  • Leadership development through decentralization
  • Establishing internal audit committee
  • Code of conduct and policy formulation, approval and implementation
  • Establishing fair and effective performance appraisal system

Student’s Holistic Development through Participation

  • The Student Representatives have the responsibility towards students to be available to listen to student views and concerns and actively represent them in an objective and accurate manner.
  • Budget framing and allotment for student development programs and activities
  • Students Trainings & Placement Activities
  • Formation of student council
  • Student’s representation in various committee and cell
  • Participation in competitions
  • Organizing competitions
  • Rewards & recognitions of achievers
  • Participation in extracurricular activities
  • Participating in social and welfare activities

Employees Advancement & Welfare

  • Employees performance evaluation system
  • Regular Training for quality improvement
  • Healthy and supportive working environment & infrastructure.
  • Proper established Code of conduct, service rules & leave rules to be followed by all.
  • Staff welfare policy implementation
  • Career advancement schemes
  • Rewards, recognitions and incentives
  • Deputation for seminars, conferences and workshops etc.
  • Motivation for qualification enhancement
  • Support for research, consultancy, innovations

Regular Industry-Academia Interface for placement, skill-development, learning, internship and apprenticeship

  • The Corporate Relations Cell’s Placement Committee plays a very important and key role in getting students their dream placement through counseling and guiding the students for their successful Career Placement.
  • It is a crucial interface between the stages of completion of academic program of the students and their entry into avenues of suitable employment through campus placement drives.
  • Industrial Research & Consultancy.
  • Research guidance from industry.
  • Short-Term Training Programmes.
  • Collaborative Educational Programmes.
  • Faculty and student exchange for knowledge sharing.
  • Training programmes / Short term assignments to the faculty members in industries.
  • Participation of industrial experts in curriculum design.
  • Student internships and industrial visits.
  • Formation of industry institute interaction cell
  • Support for internships, visits, trainings, guest lectures 
  • Identifications of industry needs and advice on Curriculum for extra courses apart from curriculum.
  • Providing career guidance

Ensuring Discipline & Conducive learning environment in the campus

  • Recommends Installation of CCTV Cameras at desired places and other measures to maintain the discipline. Students’ entry into the campus is strictly monitored with I-cards, proper uniforms. And Visitors are also allowed in the campus with proper security check, information and visitor’s card. 

Women/Student/Faculty Grievances are duly redressed

  • The grievance committee functions with the following purposes;
  • To make women, students, faculty members & staff members aware about their rights.
  • To help them in knowing the importance of good health and nutrition and facilities available for them.
  • To help them in developing decision making abilities and be self- dependent.
  • To help them in raising voice against all kinds of discrimination in a proper manner.
  • To help them in changing their mind setup.
  • To assist them in overall development of their personality.
  • To help them (community women) in knowing about reproductive health care and child care. 
  • The Student Representatives have the responsibility towards students to: be available and listen to student’s views and concerns, and actively represent them in an objective and accurate manner.

Financial Planning & Management

  • Framing of financial budget according to multiple areas.
  • Department wise Budgeting
  • Forecasting of Revenue & Expenditure
  • Effective purchasing through this committee
  • Contingency Fund allocation every year
  • Budget formulation & approval through Budget Committee
  • Periodic Audit

Institute – Industry Interaction Cell

  • Industrial Research & Consultancy.
  • Research guidance from industry.
  • Short-Term Training Programmes.
  • Collaborative Educational Programmes.
  • Faculty and student exchange for knowledge sharing.
  • Training programmes / Short term assignments to the faculty members in industries.
  • Participation of industrial experts in curriculum design.
  • Student internships and industrial visits.
  • Formation of industry institute interaction cell
  • Support for internships, visits, trainings, guest lectures
  • Identifications of industry needs and advice on Curriculum for extra courses apart from curriculum.
  • Providing career guidance

Encouragement of Budding Entrepreneurs

  • Establishment of Entrepreneurship & Development Cell
  • Industrialists visit for seminar, lecture, workshop for entrepreneurship development
  • Promoting, sponsoring and facilitating entrepreneurship development
  • Providing training & guidance for entrepreneurship development.

Research and Innovation

  • Apply for Government/Non-Government industry, sponsored funds
  • Collaborations with Government & Private Institutes, Universities and Research Organizations.

Alumni Interaction and Outreached Activities

  • Configuration of Alumni association to increase their participation
  • Invitation for guest lecturers/internship/placement/training/entrepreneurship
  • Exploring Contributions
  • Data base creation, Regular interactions with alumni and networking
  • Recognition of successful alumni for appreciation and felicitation

Mounting Physical Infrastructure

  • Infrastructure building development & modification
  • Functional facilities for e-learning
  • Safety & Security management
  • Water facility
  • Hygiene, zero plastic & green campus
  • Recycling of water
  • Smart Class rooms, Tutorials, Seminar halls
  • Modernization of Laboratory &equipment
  • Library infrastructure up gradation
  • System up gradation
  • Medical facility
  • Development of sports (indoor/outdoor) facilities
  • Plantations

Strategy Implementation and Monitoring

Once the planning part has been done the next step is its implementation. This stage is among the most imperative part and has to be implemented with proper supervision and cooperation.


Implementation at Institute Level

Particulars/Functions Deployment Authorities
Governance & Administration BOG & Administration Office
Branding /Expansion BOG Members
Infrastructure (Academics) Principal, HODs
Teaching- Learning Principal, HODs, Faculty and Staff
Infrastructure (physical) BOG, Principal
Departmental Activities HODs and Faculty
Training & Placements Principal, TPO & HODs
Research& Development Principal, HODs
Students Development Principal, HODs
Quality Assurance IQAC Team
Students Admissions Principal, HODs, Admission team, Students Section
Statutory Compliance Principal, HODs, Coordinators


The plans articulated by the management and Director are communicated to the target groups like faculty, students, staff and other stakeholders through meetings, mails and other forms of communication. It is reviewed in weekly faculty meeting and other committee meetings.