
CME on Psoriasis

CME on Psoriasis

Student support cell of BVDU, College of Ayurved and Charak Pahrma Pvt. Ltd have organized CME program on Psoriasis on 22/11/22 for Postgraduate and Intern students, in Bharati Vidyapeeth Ayurved College and Hospital.

Dr. Nitin Berde, marketing manager of Charak Pharma has briefed about Charak Pharma Company and different formulations used for various conditions as well in treatment of psoriasis. Dr. Santosh Chavan, Prof Panchkarma department has enlightened in brief about psoriasis etio-pathogenesis and management in perspective of ayurvedic and modern science.

To enhance quality research in ayurvedic pharmaceutics and motivate students to develop their skills, from this year Charak Pharma initiated to offer scholarships to PG students of Rasashastra Bhaishajyakalpana. In this program two selected first year PG students [Dr. Shivani Bhinde and Dr. Neha Naikawadi] have received cheque of scholarship in the hands of Dr. Berde Nitin, Director, Dr. Shubhangi Katkar and Deputy Director Dr. Umesh Vaidya of BVDU Ayurved Hospital. Dr. Madhuri Pawar, Secretary of Student support cell has accomplished this program proficiently and owe her thanks to all personages and students.

Photographs of the event


PG students of department of Rasashastra Bhaishajyakalpana : Received scholarship

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