I’m Ar. Rahul Kulkarni. I’m extremely lucky to be an alumni of Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Architecture’s (BVCOA) very first batch graduated in 1999. And then, I went on to do my master's degree at Arizona State University, USA from where I graduated with M.S. Building Design degree 3 years later in 2002. I’m currently working with a global, multi-disciplinary planning and design firm, HOK (www.hok.com) as a Senior Associate / Director of India practice. BVCOA is an eminent design institute and set within a fantastic campus environment in Pune.
The college provides students opportunities to be a part of various workshops, exhibitions, study trips and state and national events like NASA (National Assoc. of Students of Architecture) which help with exposure to the field of architecture and shape the students as a designer. With a robust infrastructure of colleges providing engineering, fine arts and allied design fields, Bharati Vidyapeeth truly provides students with a comprehensive knowledge. The college and it’s infrastructure, the faculty and the support staff all work towards supporting a student’s academic and extra-curricular needs.
Which is one of the many reasons why I reminisce my college days at BVCOA with fondness and consider my time there my most impactful 5 years of my life. I made friends there for life and made memories I will always cherish close to my heart. I had professors that I'm still in touch with and they still take out time to reach out and enquire about me and my batch mates.
Rahul Kulkarni