
Orthoptics is a practice of method other than optical and surgical for treating anomalies of binocular vision and for overcoming any deviation of the visual axis and helping to restore binocular single vision.

It also includes the methods of examination which are carried out to determine the measurement of deviation and state of binocular function.

Here at School of Optometry we teach the students about diagnosing and treating defects in eye movements and problems with how the eyes work together, called binocular vision. These can be caused by issues with the muscles around the eyes or defects in the nerves enabling the brain to communicate with the eyes.

We train our students for the diagnosis and non-surgical management of strabismus (squint), amblyopia (lazy eye) and eye movement disorders. We train them as professionals who specialize in orthoptic treatment, such as eye patches, eye exercises, prisms or glasses. They commonly work with paediatric patients and also adult patients with neurological conditions such as stroke, brain tumours or multiple sclerosis.