Offered Programmes

MS (Obstetrics & Gynaecology) 

Programme Overview

M.S. (Obstetrics & Gynaecology) is a three-year postgraduate programme that deals with the female reproductive organs, in their pregnant and non-pregnant state. Combined as a single-medical speciality programme, the students will study the healthcare of women in regards to their reproductive organs and during pregnancy, childbirth & the post-delivery period.

Programme Outcomes

  • icon Knowledge of the Subject - Through the programme, the students will understand the health needs of women and study the various aspects of Obstetrics & Gynaecology to become competent medical professionals.
  • icon Application of Knowledge - Students will be trained to apply their knowledge in clinical settings to diagnose and treat patients for their medical problems related to female reproductive organs.
  • icon Research - During the programme, the students will be taught how to interpret research literature so that they can support their projects and research thesis.

Key Information


3 Years


Career Prospects

After graduation, the students will be able to venture out and build their careers according to their interests and specialization. Some of the popular job prospects for M.D.  (Biochemistry) are listed below:

  • Consultancy / Private Practice
  • Employment in a Medical college, hospital, research institute, healthcare organisations etc.