Offered Programmes

M.Sc. (Medical Microbiology)

Programme Overview

M.Sc. (Medical Microbiology) is a three-year postgraduate programme that focuses on teaching students about the various branches of Biology including Bacteriology, Mycology, Virology, Immunology and more. Through the programme, the students will dive deeper into the study of shape, size, lifestyle and various aspects of microorganisms. The curriculum is designed to make the students successful and competent in their careers.

Programme Outcomes

  • icon Acquiring of Knowledge - The programme will provide comprehensive knowledge about pathogenic microorganisms, their diseases, diagnosis, treatment methods and more.
  • icon Building of Skills - The students will be able to build the skills that are required to diagnose and treat diseases caused by bacteria, parasites and fungi.
  • icon Research - During the programme, the students will learn how to demonstrate their research skills, experiment and analyze the result along with critically assessing research literature.

Key Information


3 Years

course detail

Career Prospects

After graduating with an M.Sc. (Medical Microbiology) degree, the students will be considered well qualified for various job profiles. Some of the popular job prospects for M.Sc. (Medical Microbiology) students have been listed below.

  • Consultancy / Private Practice
  • Employment in a Medical college, hospital, research institute, healthcare organisations etc.