Department of Pathology



Infrastructure Facilities

  • Well-stocked pathology museum with over 740 mounted and wet specimens for teaching purposes.
  • Adequate learning resources with monocular, binocular, and multi-head teaching microscopes with projection and LCD demonstrations for lectures and practicals, slides for histopathology, cytopathology, and hematology, charts, photographs, and drawings. 
  • Internet resources in the departmental library.
  • Developed subspecialties in immunohistochemistry for diagnostic, prognostic and predictive markers, HPLC for hemoglobin studies, Flow cytometry for acute leukemias and CD4 - CD8 counts, and Cytogenetics for Karyotyping and FISH. 
  • A molecular lab has been established for Acute leukemia, Thalassemia, and Haemophilia carrier detection.
  • Provision of modern equipment with automated hematology and coagulation analyzers, urine analyzers, liquid-based cytology, and automation in histopathology. 


The Department of Pathology has well-equipped labs to cater to the teaching and research needs of both students and faculty members. Department use Simulation Skills lab for FNAC, Bone Marrow aspiration, Venipuncture. There is also a Pathology Service Laboratory where various sections like Hematology, Histopathology, Cytology, Clinical Pathology, & Special sections like cytogenetics, Flow cytometry render services to patients in the hospitals.

The department also houses a pathology museum with over 740 mounted and wet specimens to facilitate teaching and learning.
