Department of Mechanical Engineering

About Department

Mechanical engineers find placements in the automobile industry, oil and gas production companies, aeronautical field, cement industries, design sector, chemical industries, heavy machinery sector, information technology, and defense. In order to keep pace with the times, the department has started the postgraduate course in CAD/CAM, which is unique in Pune region. The Mechanical Engineering Students Association (MESA) organizes student visits to various industries and guest lectures for the benefits of students.

Vision of the Department Mechanical Engineering

To develop high-quality Mechanical Engineers through dynamic education to meet social  and global challenges.

Our Mission

  • To provide extensive theoretical and practical knowledge to the students with well-equipped laboratories and ICT tools through motivated faculty members.
  • To inculcate aptitude for research, innovation and entrepreneurial qualities in students.
  • To acquaint students with ethical, social and professional responsibilities to adapt to the demands of working environment.

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) of the B. Tech. Mechanical are:

Graduates will be able,

  • To fulfill needs of industry and society with theoretical and practical knowledge.
  • To engage in research, innovation, lifelong learning and continued professional self development.
  • To fulfill professional ethics and social responsibilities.



  • To provide extensive theoretical and practical knowledge to the students.
  • Use of innovative teaching and learning methods.
  • To corroborate theoretical concepts with practical problems.