
Committed to being at the cutting edge of sustainability, BVIEER constantly works towards building collaborations and linkages with best-in-class organizations and educational institutions across India and worldwide. The Institute has proactively evolved a multi-sector approach to networking that has resulted in several fruitful and symbiotic associations in pursuit of academic excellence. Through these collaborations, BVIEER has further enhanced its Environment Science masters program, Geoinformatics masters program and other wildlife conservation degrees, ensuring that students gain exposure to the latest developments in sustainability and conservation. This approach strengthens the Institute's commitment to providing world-class education and research opportunities, making it a leader in sustainable development programs and environmental education in India.

International Collaborations and Linkages

BVIEER's bouquet of international associations provides a global perspective and creates access to the latest worldwide knowhow as an integral part of its various courses.

  • Currently (2020 onwards) the Institute is working closely with Engagement Global, Germany a German non profit limited organisation commissioned by the German Federal government for transitioning education for sustainable development into national structures in India.
  • Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Cologne, Germany, and BVIEER entered into a collaboration in 2006 and have since initiated a student - teacher exchange programme between the two universities. Students from both universities conduct joint field work on various issues of contemporary relevance. The MoU also supports internships in Geoinformatics and Environment Science.
  • The Institute has signed an MoU with University of Applied Sciences, Anhalt, Germany for research and internships.
  • The Institute has a Cooperation Agreement with Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Germany, for its ‘Education for Sustainable Development’ programme.
  • The Institute entered into a collaboration with UNESCO, Paris, for starting the Diploma in Environment Education for school teachers in 1998. UNESCO, Paris, acted as an initial funder for the project and BVIEER was the initiator and implementer.
  • The Institute entered into an agreement with the American Association for the Advancement of Science, New York, The USA, in 1997 for its project ‘A conservation awareness and action programme for an ecologically fragile region using traditional values’.
  • The Institute collaborated with UNESCO, Bangkok, for adapting a CD-ROM on ‘Teaching and Learning for a Sustainable future’ in 2003. This contract was awarded to BVIEER based on its expertise in designing and implementing environment education projects.

National Collaborations

The Institute has a large number of collaborations and linkages with various organizations countrywide for its research programmes. Some of the organizations are:

  • Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India
  • Department of Biotechnology, Government of India
  • Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India
  • Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India
  • National Council for Education, Research and Training, New Delhi
  • Central Zoo Authority of India
  • Forest departments across India
  • State Education departments across India
  • Garudalytics Pvt Ltd
  • Maharashtra Pollution Control Board
  • Pune Municipal Corporation, Maharashtra
  • World Wide Fund for Nature-India (WWF-I)
  • Salim Ali Centre for Ornithology and Natural History (SACON)
  • Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS)
  • Wildlife Trust of India, New Delhi
  • Schnell Informatics Pvt Ltd