About India

Discover India : A Tapestry of Diversity and Richness

Welcome to India, the vast sub-continent that boasts one of the world's most educated and diverse human resources. Here, unity is found amidst diversity, creating a land renowned for its vibrant political, social, cultural, and educational tapestry. With an age-old history, India stands as a civilization woven together by its myriad cultures.

A Journey through Time and Culture As you step onto Indian soil, you embark on a journey through history, geography, and the intricate chapters of religion, language, and art. India's culture is a treasure trove of the past's glories, turbulences, and triumphs. Each era has left its mark, each age contributing to a legacy that continues to shape the nation.

A Civilization Beyond Millennia India's civilization is one of the oldest in the world. Scriptures like the Vedas and Upa-Nishada, penned by ancient sages, encompass the universe's wisdom. While contemporaneous civilizations waned, India's enduring culture and profound knowledge allowed it to thrive despite foreign invasions.

In ancient times, even without modern transportation, explorers from distant lands journeyed to India to unravel its enigmatic allure. Centers of learning like Nalanda and Takshashila attracted knowledge-seekers from across the globe.

India: A Blend of Tradition and Modernity

Today, India stands as a modern nation steeped in rich heritage. It has embraced Western aspects while maintaining its ties to the past. Our educational landscape seamlessly blends moral values with science and technology, providing an enriching experience for those from different cultures.

India offers a diverse array of educational opportunities across various disciplines. The educational network is ever-expanding to accommodate the burgeoning horizon of knowledge.

Unity in Diversity

India, with nearly a billion people, is the world's largest democracy. A mosaic of ethnicities, languages, religions, and cultures, it thrives on unity in diversity. A free press and independent judiciary uphold our democracy's foundation. Our ancient civilization and composite cultural heritage are a source of national pride.

Embarking on Your Indian Journey

Arriving in a new country can be both exhilarating and challenging. The initial adjustment phase might bring surprises – from unfamiliar foods to new customs. But remember, you're not alone. Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University)'s Office of International Affairs is here to guide you every step of the way.

A Melting Pot of Cultures

India, with English as a medium of instruction in many higher education institutions, offers an excellent academic environment. The country's strong English language press ensures effective communication for international students.

Your Indian Experience Awaits

As you embark on your journey in India, immerse yourself in its warmth, vitality, and cultural abundance. Office of International Affairs of Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University) is your support system, helping you navigate this exciting chapter of your life.

Explore more about studying in India and the support we offer to international students. Contact Us for any inquiries and let your Indian adventure begin!

Pune : A Fusion of Tradition and Progress

Welcome to Pune, a city steeped in historical significance and blessed with an idyllic geographical setting. With a rich political history and a location nestled amidst the Sahyadri mountain ranges, Pune embodies a perfect blend of old-world charm and modern growth.

A Glimpse into the Past

Over two centuries ago, Pune emerged as a hub of strong nationalism, making its mark on the political map. Positioned nearly 2000 feet above sea level, the city boasts a unique vantage point and is cradled by the majestic Sahyadri mountains. While Pune has undergone rapid growth and transformation, it has managed to preserve its ancient character.

The Historical "Queen of the Deccan"

Often referred to as the "Queen of the Deccan," Pune holds a special place in history. It was elevated to the status of a capital city by the Marathas, a warrior community in Maharashtra, during the era of Shivaji the Great, approximately 375 years ago. Since then, Pune has evolved into a socio-cultural capital of the region, radiating Marathi culture and identity. With the British colonial period, Pune's prominence increased further. The city played a significant role in revolutionary activities during India's fight for independence, and it became a birthplace for social reform movements.

A Nexus of Heritage and Learning

Pune has been a canvas where great legends have painted their legacies. From warriors and patriots to social reformers, artists, saints, and scholars, the city's history resonates with these luminaries. Pune is the junction where modern science and ancient wisdom harmoniously coexist. It nurtured political ideologies, encouraged social progress, and ignited cultural creativity. As a hub of education and enlightenment, Pune has embraced a role of paramount importance, with Bharati Vidyapeeth nestled at its heart.

Journeying to Pune

Perched amidst the Sahyadri Mountains, about 170 kilometers from Mumbai, Pune offers a serene escape from bustling city life. For those arriving in Mumbai, reaching Pune is an accessible journey. International flights usually land at Sahar International Airport in Mumbai, and from there, various transportation options lead to Pune. Trains from Dadar terminus, a Mumbai suburb, connect the two cities efficiently. Air travel is also convenient, with domestic flights departing from Mumbai's Domestic Airport to Pune.

Private buses and taxis ply the Mumbai-Pune route round the clock, providing travelers with flexible options. Additionally, arrangements can be made for airport pickups, with some hotels offering this service. Acquiring a city map is advisable upon arrival, ensuring you navigate Pune's streets with ease.

Experience Pune's Tapestry

Pune is more than just a city; it's an embodiment of India's historical, cultural, and educational legacy. Explore its heritage, embrace its dynamism, and discover the allure that has made it a cherished destination. As you embark on your Pune journey, remember that Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University) is an integral part of this vibrant landscape.

Discover the wonders of Pune, a city that bridges time, culture, and knowledge. Learn more about Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University) and its place within Pune's educational tapestry. Contact Us to explore further and be part of Pune's dynamic journey!

Financial Preparedness for Your Journey to India

Embarking on a journey to India requires careful financial planning to ensure a smooth transition and comfortable settling-in process. Adequate funding for immediate needs upon arrival, transit expenses, customs charges, transportation fares, initial expenditures, and unforeseen emergencies is essential.

Currency and Payment Options

Bringing US Dollars in cash is a practical choice, as they can be conveniently exchanged at the airport upon arrival. International debit/credit cards are widely accepted in India and offer a secure means of transaction. However, it's wise to notify your bank about your travel plans to prevent any disruptions in card usage. Traveller's Cheques, while accepted at select places, may not be as universally recognized as cash or cards. Many banks are equipped to exchange traveller's cheques.

Bank Account Necessity

To comply with the prerequisites of student residential permits in India, students are required to have a bank account. To open an account in India, international students typically need their admission letter, residential permit, passport, and potentially a student bona fide certificate or additional documents as per the bank's policy. Banks vary in their account opening policies and associated charges. While the process takes a few working days, it's advisable to have cash or traveller's cheques on hand to cover your expenses during this period. Foreign currency exchange services are available at banks and foreign exchange offices across the country.

Financial Self-Sufficiency

It's important to note that the university or college doesn't provide financial assistance, and international students are not permitted to earn money through summer jobs in India. As such, it's crucial to ensure that you have sufficient funding to cover all your expenses throughout your stay. Planning and budgeting wisely will contribute to a fulfilling and stress-free experience during your time in India.

Your Financial Journey Begins Here

As you embark on your educational journey to India, equipping yourself with financial preparedness is essential for a seamless transition. Feel confident in managing your financial needs and expenses, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in your academic pursuits and cultural experiences.

For more information and guidance on financial matters, feel free to reach out to us. We are here to ensure that your time in India is enriched with educational growth and personal fulfilment.

Navigating Traffic Rules in India

Driving Regulations and Licensing

The Indian government recognizes the International Driver’s License (IDL). However, for a safer experience, it's recommended to opt for professional drivers when renting a car. If your stay in India is more extended and you possess a valid driver’s license issued by an authorized authority in your home country, obtaining a local driver’s license in India is feasible.

If your International Driver’s License (IDL) has expired, obtaining a local driving license is straightforward. By submitting your expired license along with an introduction letter from your country's embassy, you can easily acquire a local driving permit.

Your Safety Matters

When you're in India, adhering to local traffic rules ensures your safety and a smooth travel experience. Here are essential guidelines to follow for maintaining traffic safety in India.

Left-Side Driving and Road Crossing

In India, traffic operates on the left side of the road. If you're accustomed to right-side driving, exercise heightened caution when crossing roads or navigating traffic.

Your Guide to Safe Traffic Navigation in India

To ensure a safe and seamless journey on Indian roads, adhere to local traffic rules and guidelines. Whether it's driving or crossing the road, your safety is paramount. Reach out to us for further assistance or information on road safety practices in India.

Sports and Recreation for Holistic Growth

In addition to traffic safety, our campus promotes holistic development through sports and recreation. Explore our array of sports facilities that foster physical fitness, stress relief, and a vibrant campus life. Connect with us to discover how we prioritize your well-being in every aspect of your stay!

Finding Your Home Away from Home

Accommodation Services

Arriving in a new country comes with the task of securing accommodation, a fundamental aspect of your journey. Whether you're seeking an apartment, a paying guest arrangement, or hostel facilities, Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University) is here to guide you through the process.

Apartment Rentals and Paying Guest Options

If you're considering renting an apartment, each accommodation provider or agent may have specific requirements. Factors like location, housing type, and services influence rental rates and deposits. Some international students opt for "paying guest" accommodations, often advertised in local newspapers. These arrangements offer unique experiences within the local community.

On-Campus Hostel Facilities

Our campuses offer comfortable and convenient hostel facilities. While limited, a certain number of seats in the hostels are reserved exclusively for international students. These seats are allotted on a first-come, first-served basis, ensuring a fair opportunity for all. However, availability is subject to occupancy.

Guidelines for Hostel Residents

For those fortunate enough to secure hostel accommodations, as well as those living in private residences, adhering to rules and regulations is essential. These guidelines contribute to a harmonious living environment that fosters academic excellence and personal growth.

Explore Accommodation Options

Discover more about our accommodation offerings and policies by visiting our Accommodation Page. This resource provides detailed insights into the various housing choices available to you.

For more details Click here

Your Comfortable Abode Awaits

Embarking on your educational journey includes finding the right place to call home. From hostels to private residences, we're here to assist you in making the right accommodation choice. For any queries or assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to us. Your comfort and well-being are our priority.