
Faculty members are provided full support for filing of patents for their inventions and innovations. Currently, the institute has patents published that have been invented by faculty members in the field of Biotechnology and Bioinformatics.

Patents or Copyrights

S.No. Name of Inventor Title of the patent Date of filing of application/Publication
1 Dr. Jayant Pawar
Dr. E.A. Singh
A method of depositing layer of Zinc oxide nanoparticles over a substarate of hygroscopic material as a dielecteric substarate and a sensor containing the substrate for detecting moisture
Patent Number: 362305
Date of filing of application:
Publication Date 22/05/2020
2 Dr. Jayant Pawar
Dr. E.A. Singh
A packaging composite and the process of preparing such composite
Patent Number: 351908
Publication Date 22/05/2020