Department of Panchakarma


Students undertake various experiments in the department lab, which has all the equipment that is required by them. All modern facilities are provided in the laboratory for the ease of the students.


The departmental museum displays various instruments, models and charts. Many models of Swedan Prakara (e.g. Kuti Sweda, Holak Sweda.), Shirodhara, Abhyangam are available in the museum. Shodhan dravya like Vamak Dravya ex. Madan phal, Jeemutak, Ingredients of Vamanopag Kashay like Yashtimadhu Coarse powder, Virechan and Basti Dravya are also displayed. Instruments like Basti Netra, Putak, Pradhaman Nasya Yantra, Gokarna. Raktamoksha Yantra like Shringa and Alabu Yantra is also displayed.
